MDXC June 13, 2023

The Madison DX Club Website

  Meeting Minutes for MDXC June 13, 2023   



The June MDXC Business Meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM CDST by President Kevin- K9JKP

Members Present: 10

Guests Present: 37

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from previous meeting posted to and accepted as recorded.

Treasurer’s Report: $1129.38

Committee Reports:
DX: HF band conditions down a bit, but 6m conditions are great.
Repeater: Working
Skimmer: The K9IMM Skimmer is #1 in North America!
DX Cluster: Working (W9BG)
Website: Working
Email reflector: Working
Swap reflector: Working
Scholarship: No Report

General Member Information:
Lloyd-N9LB earned the ARRL's Fred Fish Memorial Award "FFMA" for confirming all 488 grids covering the lower 48 states on 6m/50 MHz.

Old Business:
Final Nominations for 2022-2023 club officers were called for, no additional nominations were received. Nominations were then closed.
None of the offices were contested.
Moved and seconded to accept the slate of nominees by acclamation.
MDXC Officers for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 are:
President: Kevin Shea - N9JKP,
Vice President: Dave York - W9DEY,
Secretary-Treasurer: Jim Hugo - KE9ET

New Business:
The July MDXC meeting will be our annual Picnic at the QTH of Kevin-N9JKP.
August MDXC program will be "Microphones - history, broadcast, amateur radio, optimal audio settings" by Dr. Bob Heil, K9EID.

MDXC has received a request for funding for the planned TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition by the Perseverance DX Group.
A motion was made and seconded to donate $200. A brief discussion followed.
The motion was put to a vote by MDXC members and passed.

Dues for the 2023-2024 year were set to remain at $20.
Dues are now due, payment can be made via link on the MDXC website or by check to KE9ET at his QRZ.COM address.

The June 2023 MDXC Business Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM CDST.

Program: "What to Expect of 6 Meter Propagation in Cycle 25" Presented by Ken Neubeck, WB2AMU

Submitted by Jim Hugo, MDXC Secretary/Treasurer, June 13, 2023

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