MDXC Meeting Date: 11-14-2023
Location: Zoom
Members Present: 9
Guests Present: 45
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from previous meeting posted to and accepted as recorded.
Treasurer’s Report: $874.73
Committee Reports:
DX: Many DXpeditions are active this fall, recent operations include ZD9W, W8S, T2C, and A25R
DX: Solar numbers are up and propagation is excellent world wide.
DX: Many more DXpeitions are scheduled for this fall and winter.
Repeater: No Report
Skimmer: Working better than ever! Temperature control was upgraded. One of the top skimmers in NA.
DX Cluster: Working (W9BG)
Website: ( Working
Email reflector: Working
Swap reflector: No Report
Scholarship: No Report
General Member Information:
Old Business:
New Business:
7O8AD/7O8AE "two man DXpedition to Yemen" made a direct request for support to Madison DX Club.
Yemen ranks #44 most needed world-wide and #35 most needed in North America.
A split contribution was proposed with MDXC contributing $125 and a matching $125 from W9EWZ.
A motion was made and seconded to proceed with the sponsorship.
After a brief discussion the expenditure was approved unanimously.
"Solar Cycle 25 Update" presented by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA.
Submitted by Jim Hugo, MDXC Secretary/Treasurer, November 14, 2023.