MDXC Meeting Date: 10-10-2023
Business Meeting Time: 6:30 to 7:00 PM Central
Location: Zoom
Members Present: 12
Guests Present: 35
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from previous meeting posted to and accepted as recorded.
Treasurer’s Report: $1392.80
Committee Reports:
DX: Many rare DXCC entities are now active due to relaxed travel restrictions.
Repeater: Working
Skimmer: Working
DX Cluster: Working (W9BG)
Website: ( Working
Email reflector: Working
Swap reflector: Working
Scholarship: Finalizing plans to transfer to the ARRL Scholarship program
General Member Information:
Check out the Madison DX Club's - YouTube Channel
Old Business:
Jim KE9ET reports $255 donation, including fees, has been made to the XW4DX DXpedition.
MDXC Logo with link to our website is prominently displayed on their Sponsorship page:
XW4DX website
New Business:
Requests for upcoming DXpedition funding were presented to the membership:
H40WA Temotu, Oct 26 to Nov 9, 7 Ops, 160-10m, ranked #47 in need in Eastern NA.
4W8X Timor Leste, Nov 6 to Dec 5, 20 Ops, 160-10m, 2 sites, ranked #69 in need in Eastern NA.
H44WA Solomon, Nov 15 to Nov 29, 6 Ops, 160-10m, ranked #63 in need in Eastern NA.
VK9XGM Christmas Is, Nov 21 to Dec 5, 2 Ops, 80-10m, ranked #24 in need in Eastern NA.
MDXC Membership considered each DXpedition and voted to donate $200 to 4W8X and $200 to H44WA.
4W8X website
H44WA website
Program at 7:00 PM Central:
A New Look at SDR Testing by Adam Farson-VA7OJ, Telecommunications Engineer
Submitted by Jim Hugo, MDXC Secretary/Treasurer, October 10, 2023