The Madison DX Club Website

Minute for October 2024 Madison DX Club Monthly Meeting

6:30 Call to order by Club President Kevin Shea N9JKP.

Minutes for previous meetings are posted on the Club’s website.

Welcome to new members to the club, K9BY Bret, who will be taking over Web page management for the club and to KD9YUM Verna. Kevin will be sending out a welcome letter to them.

Treasurer Jim KE9ET reports the club balance is at $1157.56 and 28 paid members.

Kevin reports that all future club business meetings will be recorded and posted on the Club’s YouTube channel.

Kevin calls for DX reports from Bob Urban, W9EWZ.

6O3T, unfortunately ran into problems acquiring their equipment due to Somaliland governmental bureaucracy and was never able to get on the air.

Also, North Cook Islands, E51D, George Wallner was on the air with good results on 80 and 160 meters. George will be heading to Bora Bora next, with a call of FO/AA7JV.

Also, 3D2V, Rotuma is active on HF but nothing as yet on 6 meters.

This past Saturday, some Midwest operators were decoding long path JA's on 6 meters but no contacts were completed.

This morning multiple SA stations were worked on 6 meter FT-8, also Lance ZD9GJ was spotted.

Wake Island, NL7RR/KH9 will be activated on 20 meters SSB beginning October 22 for 2 weeks.

Nauru, C21MM will begin October 16.

A possibility of a couple new DXCC entities in the Indian Ocean as the UK releases its hold on Chagos Islands. The US/UK air base Diego Garcia remains under a 99-year lease.

A German group will be heading to VK9X, Christmas Isl. and VK9Z, Cocos Keeling Isl. A $100.00 dollar donation was proposed, seconded and adopted by voice vote.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, VU4X was also proposed for a $100.00 donation, seconded, and adopted by voice vote.

Kevin informs the club, that it gets multiple requests from DXpeditions, but not all are within the top 100 most wanted, being as such, the club does not generally donate to those but, individuals are welcomed to make personal donations.

Kevin welcomes any further DX information or activities to the club for discussion.

A reminder that we publish all our programs on YouTube, last month's RFI program had 1400 views.

Bob reminds us that next month's program will be presented by K9LA on Cycle 25 updates.

Kevin again asks for any further comments or discussions, being nothing heard declares the club meeting closed and prepares for the evenings program.

Tonight's program, entitled "Factors Influencing F-Layer Propagation at 50 Mhz." Presented by Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH.

Bob Urban, W9EWZ reports we had a total of 40 attendees including several international guests to include: KP4, VK, EI, and 9Y4.

Respectfully submitted,

D. York W9DEY V.P.

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