The meeting was called to order by Club President, Kevin Shea, N9JKP.

Our business meetings and programs are recorded separately, and both are available on the Madison DX Club YouTube Channel. Meeting minutes are posted on the Club website.

Our Secretary-Treasurer was not available this evening, but it is noted that currently the Club has a relatively hefty budget. No requests have been received recently for DXpedition funding. Members are welcome to make suggestions. We have set the bar at the top 100 entities in North America, but we do make exceptions for expeditions employing new technologies, those focused on including young operators, and for other special considerations.

All the Club systems are functioning well. Ed Toal, N9MW, noted that we might need to update software for the W9BG DX cluster node. Ed will post a paragraph to the Club reflector explaining the service to our newer members.

Bob Urban, W9EWZ, reported on DX news and activities:


DX conditions have been excellent on 10 and 12 meters. Take advantage of the solar cycle peak while it lasts.

Club Supported DXpeditions

V73WW has just come on the air from the Marshall Islands. These are new ops, all in their 20s, supervised by a very experienced DXer, Braco, E77DX.

VU4AX will be active from the Andaman Islands with 12 operators from March 10th to March 20th. VU4 is #28 most-wanted in North America. Their activity will on 10 through 160 meters, including 60 meters.

The Bouvet Island Dxpedition, 3Y0K, led by Ken Opskar, LA7GIA, and Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA, reports that they have secured a suitable vessel and helicopters ( The Northern California DX Association has directed a $100,000 grant to the effort. The team of 18 to 24 operators is scheduled to leave Cape Town on February 1, 2026. They intend to spend 3 weeks at Bouvet.

Other DX News

Robert Kasca, S53R, now operating from Nepal as 9N7AA, has been limited to the higher bands due to the level of urban noise in Kathmandu. Robert continues to search for a QTH outside of the city to set up low band operation. We hope to be hearing from him on 80 and 160 in the near future.

Bob Sutton, ZL1RS, will be active as E6RS from May 26th to June 2nd, and from YJ0RS from June 10th to June 30th. The activity will be focused on 6 meters, both EME and terrestrial. Bob gave many of us a new one on 6 as E51EME last spring.

The Rebel Group is heading to Nigeria and is expected to be operational as 5N9DTG within the coming few days.

Theiry, F6CUK, (of Crozet FT8WW fame) and his associates are working on obtaining permission for a future operation from Kurgelen Island.

The Mount Athos DXpedition, SV1GA/A, ended abruptly after only 2 days operation in late January over an apparent misunderstanding of permission among various monks. The DXCC status of the operation is not clear at this time.

S21ZN (JA7NQQ, Kiyo) is currently on the air from Dhaka, Bangladesh from February 11th to February 17th.

Other Member DX Comments

Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT, reports poor conditions on 6 meters. Gary did work JD1/JG8NQJ, Minami Torishma, on 12 meters filling a new band slot.

Ed Toal, N9MW, has been having fun working all continents in the mornings on 10 meters from his winter QTH in Arizona using a vertical antenna.

Marv Ross, W0PSY, reports that ham radio activity in Bangladesh is beginning to grow. Marv has been working with hams there, encouraging them to learn cw. Marv is helping S21PL to get a new transceiver, and he will be putting up a hex beam.

John Beattie, N4YE, reports working YA5Y in Afghanistan last March and he wonders if anyone else has worked him or has any QSL information.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

The Program

Mike Martin, K3RFI, presented “Hunting Down RFI Sources in and Out of Your Shack, Part 2” There were 83 attendees for the program.