The Club meeting of January 14th was called to order at 6:35PM by Club President Kevin Shea.
The usual meeting announcements were not sent out to non-members this month.
Club business meetings are recorded and posted to the Club YouTube Channel.
Kevin announces the sad news that Lloyd Berg, N9LB, passed away shortly after the new year. Lloyd was a pillar of our Club, having held several officer positions and contributing many excellent programs. Kevin also mentions that it was Lloyd who invited him to join the Madison DX Club. Dave, W9DEY, offers his thoughts and memories of Lloyd and Lloyd’s willingness to help others. A celebration of Lloyd’s life is tentatively planned for May.
Secretary-Treasurer Jim Hugo, KE9ET, reports the Club has $1466.30 in the pot! This balance includes a generous contribution made by an anonymous member.
Jim Hugo also reports that 36 members have paid their Club dues.
Funding requests have been received from IOTA expeditions. Kevin asks if the Club should think of including our support to them along with DXCC entities. Ed Toal, N9MW, suggests that we stick with our current Club policy of funding only the top 100 most-wanted DXCC entities. Kevin will put the question out to the membership via the Club reflector for future discussion.
Kevin asks for DX reports from the membership. A couple of members report their successful activity on 10 meters. Gary, Sutcliffe, W9XT, reports receiving his 6-meter DXCC certificate.
Ed Toal, N9MW, reminds members of the ARRL's Grouper coupon.
Kevin mentions our YouTube videos on various topics.
Kevin closes the Club meeting at 6:58 PM and announces the evening’s program: “DX Marathon Program: The Fastest Growing DX Program in the World Today.” Presented by Mark Wohlschlegel, WC3W